Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Technically Techy and Most Definitely Gadget-y

           I have always been a fan of cool tech innovations and neat little gadgets. If it combines both, and becomes a techy gadget, I pretty much lose my mind. Unfortunately, I’ve always been susceptible to a good sales pitch, which is probably why I’m banned from infomercials in my house. But who doesn’t like products designed to make things easier, faster, or more convenient? You’d have to be a simpleton not to appreciate a time saver, and hey, if you are that’s perfectly fine. I’m just saying that my mama didn’t raise no fools. (At least none that I will admit to on a public forum!)

For instance, the lights in my bedroom are hooked up to a smart plug. This genius invention allows me to boss Alexa around and she will turn the light off at night so I don’t have to get out of the cozy blankets. (NY in winter can be pretty chilly.) I mean, lazy sure, but also a modern technological miracle. There’s no limit to what I could hook up to that smart plug. Well, I mean, that specific one only has a single receptacle, but there are more that could be purchased.

Which leads me to the real problem.  I have my own disposable income now. When we were younger, just staring out, and living paycheck to paycheck, I didn’t buy these nifty gizmos because they were not in the budget. Now that my husband and I make a healthy wage, there is extra money that can be thrown at these companies who take ingenuity and pair it with a dream, a patent, and a product. I am basically Shark Tank’s target market. I’m the sucker that would buy what those imaginations have concocted that they try to sell to the investors.

Actually, now that I think about it, there’s a second part of the problem and it is my unfettered access to the internet. That’s right folks, I carry the internet with me wherever I go, right in my pocket. Uh, purse. It’s a real problem to have such easy access to all my shopping apps. And because I am compulsively organized, of course I have a handy dandy folder conveniently labeled “Shopping”. Who doesn’t do that? Besides 89% of the entire world that is.

If you check my Amazon cart’s “Saved for later” section, you’ll find an entire hodge podge of things that I want, gifts to get for family so I don’t forget, or things that I can’t talk myself into just yet. (Usually due to the price because I am a cheap bitch.) I am just one Birthday/Christmas/Anniversary gift card away from a surprise gift to myself that I have squirreled away in a digital cart somewhere.

So, if your guilty pleasure is also tech gadgets, just know that you are not alone. Also know that I always want to know if you found something cool. Like always. Anytime. Day or night. Shoot me a message. A paper airplane. A smoke signal. Just TELL ME.



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