Thursday, March 31, 2022

Fatigue: Now in New Designer Packaging!

        I read something that said the average adult ends up making  35,000 decisions every day. Apparently this leads to "decision fatigue" where you can end up making poor decisions  at the end of the day. Like eating 12 tacos, standing over the sink, with crazy eyes and a bottle of tequila. Or investing in life jackets for ducks.

        Decision fatigue? You think?!?!?!

        I'm still flabbergasted that humans have that many things available to decide on on every day. I mean, yeah,  we decide what to wear, how to style our hair, what to eat for breakfast, which route to drive to work....okay, I think I'm starting to see it now. Still...35,000 decisions in one day is a lot. I mean A LOT. And you're telling me that we do this every day? And our heads haven't exploded like a Looney Tunes character yet? Amazing.

        Just thinking about making that many decisions is making me tired. (Oh wait, actually, I think that's yesterday's tired. My bad.)

My brain every day. (Image credit: Dreamstime)

        Do you guys remember, back in the good old day, when it was just regular tired? Now we have exotic types of tired....decision fatigue, mental exhaustion, emotionally worn out, burnt out, over-worked, energy sapped, bone weary, and overwhelmed. We are stressed, depressed, pressed, over accessed, and a hot mess. We bitch about being tired every day but have too many things to get done to be able to catch up on our sleep. Not to mention the whole "busy brain" syndrome going on with the 35,000 daily decisions. 

        Not only do I need a vacation, it seems like my brain needs one too. Where is "Bachelor in Paradise" when you need it? Just give me some brainless television to plant myself in front of on so that I can unwind and give my brain time to recuperate from being the CEO of DecisionCorp. It's a super thankless job that gives zero time off and has shitty benefits, yet my brain shows up every day to get the job done. I guess I should be thankful that she was willing to step up since I have an already overflowing plate myself.

        To think, I was sitting here feeling pretty sorry for myself for having a little bit of a writer's block tonight when in reality it was probably my brain going on strike for the night. She's wearing her comfiest pj's, has a glass of wine in hand and started to binge Netflix's trashiest soap opera-esque reality tv. She's off the clock and you can't make her work any more unpaid overtime this week. Not only has she made 35,000 decisions per day, she' been doing it for multiple days in a row. She'd do some math and figure out that staggering number for you if it didn't count as work and take her attention off the boob tube. Since it does, I guess you're on your own.

So try not to hurt yourself if you have to make a decision without your brain's guidance. Maybe ask for the heart's help if you can. Or at the very least, check with your spleen. He seems like a logical dude.

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