Thursday, February 7, 2013

Just Another Day in Mayhemville

Have you ever had one of those craptastic days at work? One of those days where you wish you were independently wealthy and could tell your boss to take this job and shove it? When you buy a lottery ticket and instead of dreaming of all the nice, shiny things you'd buy, you start picturing all the ways you'd storm into work and quit? The kind of day where you feel like you're in the rat race and aren't even getting your reward of cheese? Yeah, that's the kind of day yesterday turned into.

Now, bad work days are different from plain old bad days. Bad days are: home stinks, traffic's rotten, and work bites the big one. Bad work days can be limited to just: it sucks at work. Home's great, traffic's fine, and your kids didn't even annoy you at all (which frankly, makes me wonder if they've been replaced by pod people). But everyone at work is an a-hole, you can't take the complaining and whining anymore, and one of your projects turned into a nightmare because of your software vendor. What starts out as a perfectly nice day just got flushed down the crapper in 4.3 seconds.

The bad thing about this is, I LIKE my job. 99% of the time at least. So having days when I start fantasizing about walking in, flipping everyone off, and saying, "Suck it losers. I'm out!" means the day was a colossal disaster. And if you work in a place like I do, the negative Nellies of the bunch make it even more miserable and you start fantasizing about THEIR big quitting scene. (Because you just know if that one person wasn't there, your work life would go so much more smoothly. Until another one takes their place. It's a vicious circle.)

Even the days where things are going along okay can turn into crud in an instant. You could almost make it out the door and someone is a complete ass to you and then poof! Instant work rage. Now you wish you could tell that person what you really think, but since the mortgage and the light bill are still requiring payment, you're stuck going back and therefore, cannot afford to get fired for dropping a few f bombs and telling someone to kiss your ass.

After seriously craptastic days, you dread going to work the next day because trepidation sets in. You start wondering, "Will today be a repeat of yesterday?" Or will the sun be shining on your drab little cubby hole and make the universe right again? It's a roll of the dice. You never know. It could be you still want to stab the person who pissed you off yesterday, it could be someone entirely new who is taking their bad work day out on you.

So, buck up little soldier and have hope. There's only 21 more years until retirement. (Oh crap, I'm in trouble.)

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